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Monday, July 23, 2012

10 Pinterest Best Practices for Nonprofits | Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Blog :: A Social Media Guide for Nonprofits

I've been testing Pinterest and thinking about how nonprofit organizations and agencies can use it to reach and help their particular and potential clients, customers, members, employees, and donors.

This article provides useful ideas! It's directed at nonprofits, but other organizations and companies could benefit by following its advice.

The author writes:
[E]ven if your nonprofit is not quite ready to take the leap into pinning, at the very least you should sign up to reserve your first choice of usernames, such as ... 
To summarize the article, here are headings for each of the writer's tips:
  1. Pin your own website and blog content, but only if it pulls up a good photo!
  2. Add quality descriptions to your Pins.
  3. Add website links to your Pin’s descriptions.
  4. Add #hashtags to your Pin’s descriptions.
  5. Add your logo or avatar to your images.
  6. Embed inspirational quotes onto your images.
  7. Add a price banner to your pins that are goods being sold or fundraising campaigns.
  8. Space your Pinning throughout the day.
  9. Monitor your Pinterest referral traffic.
  10. Make your Board Descriptions SEO-friendly.
This article is featured in today's (July 23) Garbl's Good Cause Communications -- available at the Nonprofit Communications tab above and by free, daily email subscription.

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