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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Updates to The Associated Press Stylebook

Below are some recent updates to AP's so-called "Journalist's Bible." The AP Stylebook has been my first reference since majoring in journalism and working as weekly newspaper editor, daily newspaper reporter, and community college journalism instructor early in my career. It's continued to be my first (and my employer's first) reference since I began working for nonprofit and public-sector agencies.

While I also consult other more-comprehensive style manuals, the alphabetically arranged AP manual is the easiest to use and covers most of my needs and the needs of my employers. I've adapted AP style (and the style of other manuals when needed) in internal/employee manuals for my employers and for Garbl's Editorial Style Manual.

I also consult the Chicago Manual of Style, the Gregg Reference Manual, Garner's Modern American Usage, and other resources when necessary.

OK, some recent AP Stylebook updates:

June 21

This update featured new Fashion Guidelines, 185 of 'em!
flair, flare. Flair is conspicuous talent or style. Flare is a curving or spreading outward, as in a skirt.
girlie. Connotes young, feminine, flirty.

June 13

This update featured other new Fashion Guidelines.
compliment, complement. Complement is a noun and a verb denoting  completeness or the process of supplementing something: The ship has a complement of 200 sailors and 20 officers. The tie complements his suit. 
Compliment is a noun or a verb that denotes praise or the expression of courtesy: The captain complimented the sailors. She was flattered by the compliments on her project.
dyeing. Refers to changing colors.

June 8

ethnic cleansing. Euphemism for a campaign to force a population from a region by expulsions and other violence often including  killings and rapes. ... AP does not use "ethnic cleansing" on its own. It must be enclosed in quotes, attributed and explained. ...
rack, wrack. The noun rack applies to various types of framework; the verb rack means to arrange on a rack, to torture, trouble or torment: He was placed on the rack. She racked her brain.
The noun wrack means ruin or destruction, and generally is confined to the phrase wrack and ruin and wracked with doubt (or pain). Also, nerve-wracking.
 The verb wrack has substantially the same meaning as the verb rack, the latter being preferred. 
semi-. The rules in prefixes apply, but in general, no hyphen.
Some examples:
But semi-automatic.  
wracked. The preferred spelling when used to say a person is wracked with doubt or wracked with pain. Also, nerve-wracking.

June 5

This update also featured other new Fashion Guidelines.
atelier. A designer's workshop or studio.
back-to-school clothing.
batik. ...
boho. Style that draws on bohemian influences.
bra. Acceptable in all references for brassiere.

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